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IoT sensors: high-tech methods of monitoring water quality

Clean water is essential for life, but keeping it that way requires careful monitoring. Different industries, from aquaculture and farming to wastewater treatment and manufacturing, must constantly track water quality for specific parameters.

Fish farms, for example, must ensure proper dissolved oxygen levels; vertical farms need to maintain ideal nutrient levels; water suppliers must provide safe and clean water for their clients. Neglecting water quality can result in poor yields, fish disease, environmental damage, and so on.

So let’s check out various methods of monitoring water quality, both traditional and modern, and explain how (and why) the latest technology revolutionizes our approach to this critical task at Datanet IoT.

Traditional methods of monitoring water quality

IoT sensors: high-tech methods of monitoring water quality

Before the advent of advanced technologies, water quality monitoring relied heavily on manual methods, often time-consuming and labor-intensive. While still relevant in some situations, these approaches often struggle to provide the real-time, comprehensive data industries need today. Let’s see some of them below:

Manual sampling and laboratory analysis involve collecting water samples from various locations and sending them to a laboratory. Scientists or technicians then use chemical or biological tests to determine the levels of different contaminants or pollutants.

These tests can be very detailed and provide a comprehensive picture of water quality, but they can also be expensive, time-consuming, and labor-intensive, particularly when monitoring large areas.

In observational assessments, trained personnel inspect the water for signs of pollution, such as discoloration, unusual odors, or visible pollutants. 

While useful for identifying obvious problems, this method is subjective and may be inaccurate for detecting subtle changes in water quality or specific contaminants that are not visible to the naked eye.

Another traditional method employs portable chemical test kits and basic instruments like pH meters or turbidity sensors. While they offer a more immediate alternative to laboratory testing, they are less accurate and often limited in the range of parameters they can measure.

As you can see, these traditional methods aren’t bad, but they can consume a lot of time and effort that could be going elsewhere. Also, they are subject to human error, the results can vary depending on the user and equipment used, and, in some cases, can be even costlier than technological solutions!

Modern methods of monitoring water quality: it’s all about IoT sensors

CTD oceanographic equipment

Things have changed with the development of IoT sensors, making water quality monitoring easier and more efficient. These small smart devices can be placed directly in the water, constantly collecting data about their condition. They use advanced sensors to measure different parameters (as we’ll see below) and then wirelessly transmit this information to a central system, where all the data is processed so analysts can investigate it for insights.

Unlike the old methods, which often require someone to be physically present and collect samples, these sensors can run automatically and continuously. In other words, they don’t need constant human intervention, and they can monitor large areas for long periods.

As they send information directly to a database, IoT sensors eliminate the delays and potential errors that can occur with manual methods. This means you can spot any changes in water quality immediately and take action before a problem spirals out of control – and, usually speaking, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

In short, these new sensors offer a practical, more effective, and sometimes cheaper alternative to traditional techniques of water-quality monitoring.

What can IoT sensors monitor?

IoT sensors: high-tech methods of monitoring water quality

IoT sensors can track a wide range of water quality parameters, providing a comprehensive understanding of the water’s condition. Here are some of the key parameters they commonly monitor:

  • Dissolved Oxygen (DO): this measures the amount of oxygen in the water, which is vital for aquatic life. Low DO levels can lead to fish stress and death, so monitoring it is crucial in aquaculture;
  • pH Levels: relates to the acidity or alkalinity of the water, and it’s a critical indicator of its overall quality. Imbalances can affect aquatic ecosystems and make water unsuitable for various purposes, including farming and drinking;
  • Turbidity: this ugly term measures the cloudiness or haziness of the water. High turbidity can indicate the presence of suspended particles, which can affect water clarity and potentially impact aquatic life;
  • Nutrient levels: IoT sensors can also track the levels of nutrients, such as nitrates and phosphates. While some nutrients are essential for plant growth, excess levels can cause harmful algae blooms in natural water bodies or create imbalances in hydroponic farms;
  • Temperature: a crucial factor that can influence dissolved oxygen levels, pH, and the health of aquatic organisms. Maintaining optimal temperature ranges is vital for many applications;
  • Conductivity: albeit surprising, these tiny devices can also measure water’s ability to conduct electricity, as well as assess its salinity levels or the presence of dissolved ions. It’s important for various purposes, including desalination, agriculture, and industrial applications.

Benefits of IoT-based water-quality monitoring

Methods of monitoring water quality

IoT sensors bring a whole new level of effectiveness to water quality monitoring, giving you advantages that simply weren’t possible with older methods. They’re part of the larger revolution that technology and IoT have brought over the last few years, and those benefits apply to water monitoring as well!

At the risk of repeating ourselves, IoT sensors provide real-time data. Unlike traditional methods that can take days or weeks to produce results, these sensors constantly collect information, giving you continuous updates. This allows you to respond to problems immediately, instead of discovering issues long after they’ve done damage.

Another huge benefit is remote access. You don’t need to be physically present to collect data or analyze results. These sensors wirelessly transmit information to a central system, so you can check on water conditions anytime, anywhere, using just a phone, a computer, or a tablet. This makes monitoring large or remote areas a breeze.

With IoT sensors, you also get more accurate and reliable measurements. These devices use advanced sensor technology and calibrated instruments to provide consistent, precise, and reliable data less susceptible to human error. You can trust that the data is accurate, helping you make better-informed decisions.

And, as you might imagine by now, IoT sensors can help you save resources. You can significantly reduce the need for manual labor and laboratory tests, which saves you money and frees up your staff to focus on other tasks. 

The ability to automate data collection and analysis means you can optimize your resources and achieve better results overall. A win-win for everyone!

Real-time monitoring

Methods of monitoring water quality: closing thoughts

Modern technology has made it easier than ever to monitor water quality, giving us better tools to protect this critical resource. As we’ve seen, IoT sensors are revolutionizing how we approach water management, providing a more efficient, accurate, and cost-effective way to monitor water quality across various industries.

With these different methods of monitoring water quality, you can ensure better outcomes, whether it’s for your business, your community, or the environment. Embracing these advanced technologies will help you create a more sustainable and secure future!

How Datanet IoT can provide modern solutions for your business

We at Datanet IoT provide various tracking solutions to help you achieve your goals. 

We offer end-to-end solutions tailored to your business needs, from selecting the right sensors to implementing and integrating them with your existing infrastructure. No matter what, we’ve got you covered.

Our team of experts will ensure your IoT-based solution is implemented quickly and efficiently, minimizing disruption to your business operations. Note that our tracking devices are designed to grow with your business, allowing you to add more trackers and expand your tracking capabilities as needed.

We’re also your trusted partner for emissions tracking for Scope 3 compliance, a growing concern in the EU.

Contact us today and see what we can do for you!

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